Enriching Giving Circle

At Enriching Lives Foundation we recognise that engaging closely with our local philanthropic community is essential if we are to reach our charitable goals to help disadvantaged school students complete their education.  We need to tap into our community’s knowledge, benevolence and networks, share information and data with them, and together contribute to giving local kids a better start in life.

What is a Giving Circle?

giving circle is a form of participatory philanthropy where groups of individuals donate their own money or time to a pooled fund, decide together where to give these away to charity or community projects and, in doing so, seek to increase their awareness of and engagement in the issues covered by the charity or community project.  Many circles, in addition to donating their money, also contribute their time and skills to support local causes.

[Source: Wikipedia]

Giving Circles are an effective way of bringing together like-minded individuals who want to make a difference but would like to participate in making a more significant impact than their lone donation can achieve.  The combined impact of multiple and sustained donations, together with the depth of thought, conversations, motivation and passion brought to the cause through a Giving Circle, is truly significant!

Our Giving Circle is linked with the Foundation but operates autonomously in raising funds and agreeing which project or projects to fund, in accordance with our purpose “to increase the engagement of young people with education by assisting to fund their journey and make a lasting impression on their lives”.

If you would like further information about our Giving Circle, please contact us.